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Trade Topics



Résumés des mémoires soutenus dans le cadre du Master II en Politiques et Négociations

29 November 2018

Résumés mémoires corrigés Master PNCI.pdf Download Yes Senegal 5 January 2016 Trade topics: Other, ...

Analyse des marchés

29 November 2018

Objectifs: Ce cours a pour objectif principal la maitrise du fonctionnement des marches internationaux des changes et des instruments qui y sont utilisés. Aujourd’hui avec la déréglementation qui se généralise les acteurs doivent maîtriser les mécanismes ...

Environnement Economique International

29 November 2018

Objectif général du cours Fournir les éléments de base permettant la compréhension des mécanismes qui commandent l’organisation des relations économiques internationales actuelles dans lesquelles la mondialisation et la régulation de l’économie occupent u ...

Guest lecture: Roy Santana, the WTO, November 14- 16, 2017, “NAMA”

28 November 2018

Roy Santana programme.pdf Download Yes Russia 14 November 2017 Trade topics: Trade Facilitation, ...

Issues of Economic Analysis in International Trade Litigation

28 November 2018

Guest lecture: Jan Bohanes, the ACWL, December 7 – 9, 2017, “Issues of Economic Analysis in International Trade Litigation” The course examines the interplay of legal and economic issues in particular types of WTO litigation. Economic analysis is increasi ...

Adoption into the International trade: modern trends, methods of analysis module

28 November 2018

Adoption into the International trade: modern trends, methods of analysis module, a book, A Practical Guide to Trade Policy Analysis, WTO, UNCTAD, 2012 The aim of the course is to develop skills for the complex analysis of trends and prospects of internat ...

Annual book for the Faculty of Business at UJ

27 November 2018

Book_BusinessSchool.pdf Book_BusinessSchoolcover.pdf Yes Jordan 14 September 2017 Trade topics: Other, ...

Book on "Trade Map"

27 November 2018

The publishing of a book on "Trade Map" was supported by WCP-UJ to help students (undergraduate and graduate) in areas of trade and international economics and trade. Trade Map.pdf Trade Map cover.pdf Yes Jordan 16 August 2017 Trade topics: Inte ...

Undergraduate and postgraduate modules that focus on international trade and economic development

16 November 2018

2021_Curriculum development_28 May 2021_NWU.docx Yes South Africa 1 August 2017 ...

Academic Writing Skills Short course

16 November 2018

Writing competence is of critical importance in postgraduate studies, because it often is one of very few, if not the only, communication channel(s) open between lecturer / supervisor / examiner and student, and the only real opportunity that the average ...
