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Outreach activities

Appointment Ceremony of Visiting Professor Ricardo Meléndez-Oritiz

15 November 2018

Professor Ricardo Meléndez-Oritiz, the Thousand Talents Plan scholar as well as the President of International Trade and Sustainable Development Center (ICTSD), was appointed as Visiting Professor of SUIBE. After the ceremony, Prof. Melendez organized a w ...

21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Research Center and "Legal Guarantee of 'One Belt And One Road' Construction"

15 November 2018

Opening Ceremony of "21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Research Center" and Seminar on "Legal Guarantee of 'One Belt And One Road' Construction". The School of Trade Negotiations and Shanghai Maritime Court held the opening cer ...

WCP Training Course on WTO Related Issues

15 November 2018

October 13, 2017, WCP Training Course on WTO Related Issues, part of WTO Technical Assistance Program organized by the World Trade Organization, was held with joint efforts of the School of Trade Negotiations and Shanghai Center for Global Trade and Econo ...

Opening Ceremony of School of Trade Negotiations and Launch of the WTO World Trade Report 2017

15 November 2018

October 11, 2017, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) inaugurated the School of Trade Negotiations and the WTO Chair Institute-China, while the Launch of the WTO World Trade Report 2017 was held. Following the unveiling cer ...

Update to website

12 November 2018

Seminars and conferences organized by the Chair; improvements to website or use of media tools; organization of research awards; short courses; workshops, roundtables, opening Chair ceremonies etc. Link to outreach activities: ...

Fourth MENA Trade Workshop

12 November 2018

Fourth MENA Trade Workshop, 21-22 March, 2018 was organized in partnership with the WTO Chair at TBS, TBS, Beit-El Hikma, Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies and Birmingham Business School, Cairo University. It is an academic activity with pan ...

Mini-conférence débat 6- Commerce et pauvreté en Afrique sub-saharienne

9 November 2018

Présentation faite le 12 Juillet 2018, à la Chaire. Echanges et Débat sans papier support: Les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne sont très sensibles aux évolutions des marchés mondiaux et les politiques commerciales contribuent à façonner leurs trajectoires de ...

Mini-conférence débat 5- Réformes économiques pour la promotion de l’exportation

9 November 2018

Présentation faite le 21 Juin 2018, à la Chaire. Echanges et Débat sans papier support: Le Gouvernement du Benin a pris des mesures rapides afin d’améliorer le climat d’affaires, de poser un cadre plus sain pour l’investissement et de faciliter les parten ...

Mini-conférence débat 4- L’échange informel entre le Bénin et le Nigéria

9 November 2018

Présentation faite le 23 Mai 2018, à la Chaire. Echanges et Débat sans papier support: Les échanges montrent que le Bénin a entretenu et entretient avec son géant voisin, le Nigeria, des relations d'opportunité. Les conséquences de ce type de relatio ...

Mini-conférence débat 3- Financement du commerce en Afrique

9 November 2018

Présentation faite le 18 Avril 2018, à la Chaire. Echanges et Débat sans papier support: La conférence qui porte sur le rapport de Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD) s'est penché sur la problématique du financement du commerce en Afrique. Il res ...
