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Outreach activities

Interview on economic relations between Russia and India.

28 November 2018 Yes Russia 22 January 2018 Trade topics: Other, ...

Interview for the Saint Petersburg TV channel on US-China trade tensions and the WTO rules

28 November 2018 Yes Russia 23 August 2018 Trade topics: Other, ...

Interview for the Saint Petersburg TV channel on economic risks with regard to economic sanctions

28 November 2018 Yes Russia 14 March 2018 Trade topics: Other, ...


22 November 2018

This event was organised by ITAM law department together with the Mexican Ministry of Economy. 10 leading negotiators from Mexico who renegotiated NAFTA with the US and Canada came to share their experiences in the renegotiation of the NAFTA / TMEC / USMC ...

TRADE members attendance at international conferences

16 November 2018

TRADE members attendance at various international conferences. Occupational segregation in post-apartheid South Africa.pdf Inclusive growth and wage inequality_The case of South African manufacturing exporters.pdf Driving Inclusive Growth and Enhancing In ...

Southern African TRADE- DSM® users group annual conference

16 November 2018

On 13 and 14 March 2018, the TRADE research entity together with TRADE Advisory held their 3rd annual TRADE-DSM® User Group Conference. SATDSM.pdf SATDSM_photo.pdf Yes South Africa 13 March 2018 Trade topics: Other, ...

WTO Awards

16 November 2018

WTO sponsored awards for the best Master's degree dissertation in International Trade (Mr Tiaan Cloete), the best PhD (Ms Carli Bezuidenhout) and the best research paper on a WTO related topic (Dr Noleen Pisa, Prof Wilma Viviers and Prof Riaan Rossou ...

TRADE Website and Newsletters

16 November 2018

Two TRADE newsletters were sent out during the reporting period to 640 recipients, with an additional newsletter planned for October 2018. NWU TRADE Newsletter_4_2017 PDF.pdf NWU TRADE NEWSLETTER ISSUE_5_2018.pdf Yes South Africa 11 October 2018 Trade top ...

Thirteen TRADE-DSM® training workshops

16 November 2018

A. Thirteen TRADE-DSM® training workshops Several training workshops for users of the TRADE-DSM® took place throughout the year. These workshops have provided an opportunity to publicize WTO links and expand and cement relationships with policymakers in S ...

Academic Cooperation with the University of Marcherata

15 November 2018

Associate Professor Federica Monti from the University of Marcherata visited the School of Trade Negotiations and discussed with Dean and Prof. Zhang Lei and Deputy Dean and Prof. Ying Pinguang on cooperative research between the two organizations, as wel ...
