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Outreach activities

Mini-conférence débat 3- Financement du commerce en Afrique

9 November 2018

Présentation faite le 18 Avril 2018, à la Chaire. Echanges et Débat sans papier support: La conférence qui porte sur le rapport de Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD) s'est penché sur la problématique du financement du commerce en Afrique. Il res ...

Mini-conférence débat 2- Politiques agricoles et commerce régional dans l’Afrique de l’Ouest

9 November 2018

Présentation faite le 13 Mars 2018, à la Chaire. Echanges et Débat sans papier support: En janvier 2005, les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de la Communauté économique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (Cedeao) adoptaient une politique agricole régionale ...

Mini-conférence débat 1- Bilan du TEC UEMOA et leçons pour le TEC CEDEAO

9 November 2018

Présentation faite le 15 Février 2018, à la Chaire. Echanges et Débat sans papier support: Les études réalisées tant sur le TEC de l’UEMOA que sur le TEC actuellement envisagé au niveau de la CEDEAO montrent que les impacts avérés ou potentiels sur les se ...

Global Trade Dialogue: the problem as we see it, the responses as we imagine them

8 November 2018

The WTO, and more generally the rules-based trading system, is under scrutiny. Concerns have arisen about the role of trade, globalization more generally, and technological change in the loss of manufacturing jobs in industrial countries and increased job ...


8 November 2018

On September 11, 2018, within the XII National Congress on Democracy and the IV International Congress on Democracy organized by the National University of Rosario (NUR), School of Political Science, the WTO Chair at FLACSO presented its publication “Ni s ...

Academic Run Up to the M11 Project

8 November 2018

The Project was elaborated and implemented by the WTO Chair at Buenos Aires with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. With a view towards the WTO Ministerial Conference hold in Buenos Aires in December 2017, the WTO Chair proposed in ...

Attended a TBT /SPS National Consultative Committee Meeting

6 November 2018

The TBT/SPS national consultative committee meeting was held at the Kenya Bureau of Standards meeting on 5th September 2017. The meeting discussed the preparations for the WTO TBT meeting in Geneva in November 2017 and Kenya’s position on the issues to be ...

National SPS Committee meeting

6 November 2018

The National SPS Committee Meeting was held on 19th June 2018 in Telposta Towers, Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting discussed the documents circulated by the WTO Secretariat in Geneva regarding the SPS Committee Meeting in Geneva Scheduled for July 2018. SPS Co ...

2nd Kenya Trade Week at the Kenya International Convention Centre

6 November 2018

2nd Kenya Trade Week at the Kenya International Convention Centre on the 31st July 2018. The meeting discussed Kenya’s exports initiatives to diversify the export products, markets. There were also discussions on trade development incentive mechanisms. Th ...

Attended the 2nd Inter-ministerial Committee Meeting on the Preparations for the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference

6 November 2018

The 2nd Inter-ministerial Committee Meeting on the Preparations for the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference was held on 5th October 2017 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The following were discussed during the Meeting on the Preparations for the 11th WTO M ...
