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Trade Topics




5 November 2018

ECONOMICS-CURRICULUM.pdf Download Yes Kenya 18 September 2017 Trade topics: International ...

XEA Introduction to International Trade Theory and Policy/ XEA 309 International

5 November 2018

The course aims at analyzing the international economic system and the main problems and events, especially with regard to Kenya and other developing countries. Emphasis will lie on the theoretical framework that helps to explain the actual economic scene ...

International Economic Law and the Environment

2 November 2018

Bradly Condon and Michael Ewing-Chow co-developed and co-taught a course on International Economic Law as part of the Law Schools Global League summer school 2017. This course focuses on the treatment of environmental and health regulation in trade and in ...

Regional Trade Agreements

2 November 2018

Bradly Condon delivered updated courses on WTO law and on Regional Trade Agreements in the undergraduate program of ITAM's law department, and developed new case simulations on WTO law for the course on Oral and Written Legal Argumentation. Course Ou ...

An Online Course for Master's Level- WTO Law: Understanding Law and Jurisprudence

14 June 2018

This online course was delivered to LLM students at Koç University in Istanbul by Dr. Amrita Bahri. The course focused on the laws, principles, functioning and jurisprudence of World Trade Organisation. Aim of this course was to enable students to underst ...

Great Lakes Trade facilitation Project TOT Manuals Validation Workshop Programme 22-24 May 2018 | Lusaka, Zambia

24 May 2018

The members of the WTO Chairs Program at the University of Nairobi spent 3 days working with delegates from the Great Lakes Facilitation Project in COMESA Lusaka to validate the Trainers of Trainers manuals. Validation Workshop- Agenda-1.pdf Download Yes ...

WTO Law Course

22 April 2018

The major of WTO LAW aims at cultivating senior inter-disciplinary professionals in international law and business who are excellent in both moral and academic performances, with solid foundation and knowledge structure in international law and economics ...

World Trade Law Course

16 April 2018

This will introduce students to the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Students will learn to analyze and interpret WTO law in light of the history and structure of the WTO, the rules of treaty interpretation and the political economy of internati ...

Short Training Course: STATA and Gravity Modeling

9 April 2018

A one week training course was offered to the graduate students at the Department of Natural Resource Economics, Sultan Qaboos University on the Application of STATA to analyze trade data and gravity modeling from April 30th to May 4th, 2017. Two academic ...

Short Training Course on Environment Economics

2 April 2018

The chair continued its support to the organisation of short-training course in quantitative techniques in the field of international trade, agriculture and the environment for graduate students at the Department of Natural Resource Economics and other te ...
