Content type


Trade Topics



Trading firms and the gender wage gap: evidence from South Africa

9 June 2021

Firms engaged in international trade account for a large share of South Africa’s output and employment. Therefore, their behaviour has potentially large effects on national outcomes including gender inequality. In this paper, we test whether the gender wa ...

Tunisia's export opportunities in Africa and the EU: A TRADE DSM approach

9 June 2021

This paper was presented jointly by Wilma Viviers and Leila Baghdadi. Yes 2020-12-10_Tunisia export opportunities_ISS event_FINAL_2.pptx Download 10 December 2020 Trade topics: Regional Integration, Trade Modelling, Trade Policy, ...

Tunisia's export opportunities in Africa and the EU: A TRADE DSM approach

9 June 2021

This paper was presented jointly by Wilma Viviers and Leila Baghdadi. Yes 2020-12-10_Tunisia export opportunities_ISS event_FINAL_2.pptx Download 10 December 2020 Trade topics: Regional Integration, Trade Modelling, Trade Policy, ...

The export opportunities of Cameroon using the TRADE-DSM

9 June 2021

This research project was begun on the initiative of the  United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.    Cameroon which, through its Industrialization Master Plan (known as “Plan Directeur d’Industralisation”, PDI, ...

Analysis of the trade opportunities between South African and Tunisian SME's: The TRADE-DSM (Decision Support Model) approach

9 June 2021

This research project is focused on the following key activities: ... University;   d) Once the Tunisia model is constructed, various research ...   e) Research needs to be conducted on the applicability and potential ...

Analysis of the trade opportunities between South African and Tunisian SME's: The TRADE-DSM (Decision Support Model)

9 June 2021

This research project is focused on the following key activities: ... University;   d) Once the Tunisia model is constructed, various research ...   e) Research needs to be conducted on the applicability and potential ...

Legal Research Priorities in Climate Change

8 June 2021

by the effective altruism movement, has created a research agenda to prioritize the research that has the potential to do the most good over the long term ( Similarly, our project seeks to identify Legal Research Priorities ...

An Analysis of Eco-Tourism and Its Potential: Case Study of Small Island Developing States

3 June 2021

through the use of the survey method, our research attempts to delineate ... community. Yes research grant Ecotourism WCP Mauritius Final 15.10.pdf Download ...

The Impact of Regional Integration on Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa

3 June 2021

The main purpose of this study is to study the impact of Regional Integration on the attractiveness of Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Saharan African countries. This investigation was carried out using a panel data analysis, over a sample of 30 countrie ...

Chinese Investment in the African continent: An analysis of the determinants of Chinese FDI in Africa

3 June 2021

The “Chinafrica” relationship has recently been the focus of several international political discourses, whereby the motives behind recent breathtakingly fast upsurge of Chinese FDI in the African continent is being questioned. Hence, the purpose of this ...
