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Trade Topics




16 June 2021

Globalisation has become an unavoidable incidence with almost every country involved in some new form of economic integration arrangement. In Africa, the largest trade agreement, the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) was recently signed in ...

Modelling asymmetric relationship between exports and growth in a developing economy: Evidence from Namibia

16 June 2021

specific. In order to fill the gap in previous research, this study ...

Identifying regional trade potential between selected countries in the African tripartite free trade area

16 June 2021

One of the most compelling arguments for regional trade and integration in Africa is that the African market is the most fragmented in the world, with only 16% of trade being within the continent. Furthermore, with 14 regional economic communities (RECs), ...

Big data analytics and international market selection: An exploratory study

16 June 2021

A great deal of information is available on international trade flows and potential markets. Yet many exporters do not know how to identify, with adequate precision, those markets that hold the greatest potential. Even if they have access to relevant info ...

Trade creation and diversion effects in the tripartite region: A gravity approach

16 June 2021

The paper employed the augmented gravity model to determine the trade creation and trade diversion effects of economic integration. Results indicate that the income importing country was significant at the 1% level, while the exporting one was weakly sign ...

Investigating South Africa’s Fresh Peach and Nectarine Value Proposition: Measuring Progress on Achieving Sustainable Consumption in Exports

16 June 2021

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have shone a spotlight on the importance of adaption to climate change. However, progress in achieving SDG 12 which calls for, “responsible consumption and production” has been stalled by the unavailability of indi ...

Liberalising Bangladesh's services trade: Is joining TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement) the way to go?

16 June 2021

Although currently limited, services trade holds great potential for Bangladesh, as services already make a major contribution to GDP and employment. Services represent an important alternative (in the longer term) or complement (in the shorter term) to r ...

The benefits of full trade liberalization and accessibility RCEP for Thailand's export potentials

16 June 2021

This paper aims to investigate Thailand’s export potentials in the ASEAN+6 countries, due to a “full liberalization and accessibility scenario” within the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). The methodology used is that of “filtering” stat ...

COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities for Africa

9 June 2021

learn to work as teams or perish as individuals. [This research ...

The Relevance of the European Union Integration Experience to the African Union’s Integration Process

9 June 2021

experience to advance its integration agenda.   [This research is part ...
