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Trade Topics



Integration potential for technological cooperation of the EAEU countries

27 August 2021

cooperation of EAEU member states. Our research reveals the specific role ...

Analysis and Prospects for the Development of Regional Energy Integration of the Eurasian Economic Union Countries

27 August 2021

In the presented paper, it is proved that a new objective trend appears in the current conditions of Eurasian region development. It will strengthen mutual cooperation between the countries of Eurasia and it will enrich regionalization process in the cont ...

Evaluation of the Gas Industry Company’s Competitiveness in the Domestic Market

27 August 2021

Quantification of a company’s competitiveness in the gas industry is necessary in order to find the possibility for that entity to maintain or increase its competitive advantage in the respective markets for goods and services. Therefore, the market oppor ...

Theoretical concepts of trade policy development and analysis: Evolution and modern challenges in the context of the international trading system transformation

27 August 2021

and their trade costs. In addition, research methodology for various quantitative ... as well as a comparative analysis of the identified research areas. Yes ...

Potential and Development Prospects Assessment of Electric Power Integration of the Eurasian Economic Union Countries

27 August 2021

Existing approaches to the analysis of countries economic integration processes in international practice are investigated in the paper. Evaluating methodology of the long-term integration processes in the electric power sector is offered for the EAEU cou ...

Potentiel du commerce extérieur de l'Algérie envers l'Afrique: Un essai de mesure

27 August 2021

Le but de ce travail est de tenter une estimation du potentiel à l’export de l’Algérie envers les pays de l’Afrique. La connaissance de ce potentiel est utile pour connaitre dans quelle mesure l’Algérie pourrait en tirer bénéfice de l’entrée en vigueur de ...

A Double-Edged Sword: Covid-19 and Water Remunicipalisation Jakarta

27 August 2021

Jakarta has emerged as the epicentre of the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia. While handwashing has been promoted as the most effective preventive measure, Jakarta’s unequal water governance has made it difficult for the urban poor to access adequate water ...

Engaging in the digital economy: issues and agenda in the quest to adopt Indonesia’s e-commerce roadmap

27 August 2021

The study explores structural and practical issues following the adoption of Indonesia’s e-commerce roadmap (2017–2019) and its implications for the future of the country’s digital economy. Two major categories of issues are examined in order to identify ...

New Normal Perubahan Sosial Ekonomi dan Politik Akibat COVID-19

27 August 2021

New Normal atau Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru menjadi mantra penting yang dipakai oleh WHO dan Pemerintah di berbagai negara untuk berdamai dengan Covid-19. Sejak merebak Desember 2019, pandemi ini belum menunjukkan ujung akhir, sementara upaya untuk menjinakka ...

Tata Kelola Penanganan COVID-19 di Indonesia: Kajian Awal

27 August 2021

Pandemi global COVID-19 telah melahirkan kegamangan tata kelola penanganan dihampir semua negara, terlepas dari apapun tingkat kemajuan ekonomi dan teknologi serta karakter politiknya. Sistem manajemen krisis standar kehilangan relevansi, memaksa pemerint ...
