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Trade Topics



Covid-19 Shock: Pass-Through to Consumer Prices in Tunisia, Economic Research Forum Working Paper 1535

21 March 2022

In this paper, we evaluate the pass-through of the COVID-19 shock on international prices and trade policy to consumer prices in Tunisia. Specifically, we evaluate the extent to which changes in import unit values, tariffs, non-tariff measures, and new ex ...

Impact of COVIDE19 on Tunisian Imports, Economic Research Forum Working Paper

19 February 2022

COVID-19 pandemic caused significant disruption of trade flows between countries, revealing the vulnerability of global value chains. This unexpected event sparked a public debate on devising new policies to increase the resilience of value chains. This s ...

“Global value chains in the age of internet: what opportunities for Africa?“

19 February 2022

This chapter analyses the impact of the internet on global value chains (GVCs) in Africa. We investigate the effect of internet adoption on forward participation and backward participation of African countries in GVCs. We conduct the estimations using cou ...

"High growth firms and trade linkages: Imports do matter", published in Small Business Economics

19 February 2022

This paper examines the association between high-growth firm status and global linkages with special focus on the role of imports. We rely on a rich panel data covering all formal firms in Tunisia between 1999 and 2015. Our results show that firms that im ...

La libéralisation commerciale est-elle toujours bénéfique?

5 April 2021

Messages Clés: 1. La réduction tarifaire suite à la libéralisation commerciale diminue les prix locaux en Tunisie de seulement 10%. 2. La raison principale est le manque de compétitivité dû à la forte concentration de pouvoir de marché aux mains de quelqu ...

Global value chains in the age of internet: what opportunities for Africa?

5 April 2021

This chapter analyses the impact of the internet on global value chains (GVCs) in Africa. We investigate the effect of internet adoption on forward participation and backward participation of African countries in GVCs. We conduct the estimations using cou ...

Is Tunisia trade policy pro-poor

5 April 2021

The 2015 joint report emphasized that the greatest impact on poverty reduction will come from a coherent and multi-pronged approach that addresses these specific constraints. To this end, the report discussed policy actions that governments can take indiv ...

Trade policy without trade facilitation: Lessons from tariff pass-through in Tunisia

5 April 2021

prices. This research suggests that, for Tunisia, trade facilitation ...

Lutte contre le COVID-19: Mesure de la vulnérabilité des entreprises des pays en développement au choc du COVID-19

11 March 2021

Une équipe constituée de deux UMR IRD (Développement et sociétés et LEDA) et une institution partenaire tunisienne (l'ESSEC Tunis) ont reçu un arbitrage positif dans le cadre de l'appel à projet flash lancé par l'ANRS en avril dernier pour ...

CO2 emissions, environmental provisions and global value chains in MENA countries

1 December 2020

The paper investigates the relationship between carbon emissions, environmental provisions in Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and Global Value Chains (GVCs) using a panel data gravity model for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region over the peri ...
