Content type

Trade Topics



27 August 2021

E-commerce is growing rapidly in Argentina and Brazil, and in both countries the share of the population participating in e-commerce transactions exceeds the Latin American average. Both countries have established a legal framework for data protection, re ...

Convergence on e-commerce: the case of Argentina, Brazil and MERCOSUR

27 August 2021

E-commerce is growing rapidly in Argentina and Brazil, and in both countries the share of the population participating in e-commerce transactions exceeds the Latin American average. Both countries have established a legal framework for data protection, re ...

Enjeux de l’adhésion du Maroc aux négociations plurilatérales sur le commerce électronique: quelle stratégie pour le Maroc? [The stakes of Morocco's accession to the plurilateral negotiations on electronic commerce: what strategy for Morocco?]

22 July 2021

In light of the rapid advancement of e-commerce in the country, it is imperative that Morocco formulate a national e-commerce strategy and participate in the plurilateral negotiations which are taking place at the WTO. As a developing country, it must ana ...

Technical Support and Talents Development for China’s E-commerce and Digital Economy Negotiation

12 July 2021

This project is intended to deliver research outputs and solutions to the major problems facing e-commerce and the digital economy in China and the WTO. The first part of the research will examine what approach China should ...