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Outreach activities

Results of WCP Virtual International Conference on International Trade and Investment (ICITI2022)

12 July 2023

The WTO Chairs in the African region organised a virtual International Conference on International Trade and Investment, with a special conference theme of ‘AfCFTA: Challenges and Opportunities’on the 7–8 September 2022. The organising and participating W ...

Workshop organise par la chaire OMC de l’IRIC Theme: « Les Politiques d’Import-Subtitution: Quels Enjeux Pour l’Afrique Centrale?»

22 June 2023

Du mercredi 14 au jeudi 15 juin 2023, s’est tenu dans la salle multifonctionnelle de la Chaire de l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC) de l’Institut des Relations Internationales du Cameroun (IRIC), un workshop sur le thème : «  Les politiques d’impo ...

Digital Trade in the Post-COVID World

15 May 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed global digital inequalities that produce real economic and social consequences. It underscored the crucial role of knowledge assets and services to the functioning of global value chains, and the embeddedness of information t ...

Strengthening Cross-Chairs Collaboration: A Delegation from China Institute for WTO Studies of UIBE Visits SUIBE

11 May 2023

In the morning of May 5th, a delegation headed by Prof. TU Xinquan, Dean of the China Institute for WTO Studies of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) visited Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE). S ...

Call for Papers: 8th Asian International Economic Law Network (AIELN) Conference

21 March 2023

8th Asian International Economic Law Network (AIELN) Conference: The New Generation of Economic Agreements will be held on 1-2 December 2023 at College of Law, National Taiwan University co-organized by the Asian Center for WTO & International Health ...

Seminars, Round Tables and Policy Panels

6 March 2023

DEFI Unit with the WTO Chair at ESSECT University of Tunis in Tunisia organize on a frequent basis seminars, panels and round tables on various economic topics where senior and junior researchers as well as policy makers present. Follow our facebook page: ...

Atelier de restitution du projet CORES: Mesurer la vulnérabilité des entreprises des pays en développement (PED) au choc de la C

6 March 2023

OBJECTIFS DE DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ODD 10: INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES ODD 8: TRAVAIL DÉCENT ET CROISSANCE ÉCONOMIQUE VOIR PLUS PARTAGER: Une équipe constituée de deux UMR IRD (Développement et sociétés et LEDA) et une institution partenaire tunisienne (l'ES ...

Seminar on WTO Legal Practice

9 February 2023

On December 15, the Seminar on WTO Legal Practice was held at NTU College of Law. In the seminar, Director Niall Meagher, the Executive Director of the Asian Centre on WTO Law (ACWL), and Ambassador Chang-fa Lo, the Permanent Representative of Taiwan to t ...

International Trade and Investment Law Working Group Meeting, at LSGL, at Madrid

29 March 2022

On June 21st, 2012, a select number of leading law schools from all over the world created the Law Schools Global League (LSGL). Details here: Every year, the League organizes a number of activities, including ...

Speaker, at SRC Roundtable- Women's Day 2022, on UNCTAD’s Declaration on Gender and Development

29 March 2022

The Shridath Ramphal Centre organised a Roundtable on Women's Day 2022; it was focussed on UNCTAD’s Declaration on Gender and Development. The questions addressed during this discussion were: 1. Is there a unique skillset or perspective that women br ...
