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Outreach activities

Global perspective on effect of COVID-19 on trade facilitation

30 July 2020

This presentation looks at the current state of play in trade facilitation as well as a look at how COVID-19 has impacted on movement of goods in and out of the country during the pandemic. Global perspective on effect of COVID-19 on trade facilitation.pd ...


30 July 2020

This paper gives my response to a request by the Kenya Permanent Secretary of the State Department for Trade and Enterprise Development to give my opinion on the initial draft of the proposed Free Trade Area between Kenya and the United States. USA-Kenya ...


30 July 2020

This paper gives my response to a request by the Kenya Permanent Secretary of the State Department for Trade and Enterprise Development to give my opinion on the 6th draft of the proposed Free Trade Area between Kenya and the United States. KENYA_USA FTA- ...

Special Talk: COVID-19 and Its Impact on Women in International Trade: Can Free Trade Agreements Help Reboot the Economy?

30 July 2020

A guest lecture at UNAM, Mexico City on COVID-19 and Its Impact on Women in International Trade: Can Free Trade Agreements Help Reboot the Economy? Presentation attached. Presentation UNAM.pdf Download Yes Mexico 24 June 2020 Trade topics: Gender and Trad ...

COVID-19 and its impact on women in International Trade

30 July 2020

An event organized by OWIT and IGC: Recording at: In this presentation, I addressed the following question: whether and how we can use ...

Can Free Trade Agreements Accommodate Gender Justice and Help with Inclusive Recovery in Post-COVID-19 World?

30 July 2020

Health pandemics affect women and men differently, and they can make the existing gender inequalities much worse. COVID-19 is one such pandemic, which can have substantial gendered implications both during and in the post-pandemic world. Its economic and ...

Online Conference: The 3R Initiative: Re-thinking, Re-packaging and Rescuing World Trade Law"

30 July 2020

Organised this online conference, with 20+ speakers and discussants from different universities and 100+ participants overall. The discussions focussed on rethinking, repackaging and rescuing world trade law. Details here: https://lawschoolsgloballeague.c ...

Virtual Roundtable: What Will COVID-19 Mean for the Participation of Developing Countries in the Global Trading System

31 May 2020

The unprecedented economic crisis triggered by the outbreak of COVID-19 is already having dramatic effects on world trade and appears very likely to trigger lasting changes to the world trading system, regardless of how the next phase of 'opening up& ...

Shaking up the International Order: WTO’s First Ruling on National Security Exception

25 February 2020

The work-in-progress paper was presented at the Academic Conference, Law Schools Global League, Feb 11 2020, at UNSW, Sydney. LSGL Feb2020 UNSW Sydney Full Conference Programme and Important Information.pdf Download Yes Mexico 11 February 2020 Trade topic ...

Mesa redonda: 50 años de la Convención de VIena sobre derecho de los tratados

14 November 2019

Este año se conmemoran los 50 años de la Convención de Viena y los profesores de derecho internacional del ITAM decidieron celebrarlo con una mesa redonda. Asistieron más de treinta alumnos y profesores. El Profesor Bradly Condon, Titular de la Cátedra pa ...
