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Outreach activities

Les Chaines Globales de Valeur en Tunisie: Un Agenda de Recherche

20 March 2021

La question des chaines de valeur globales a pris une ampleur telle qu’une analyse scientifique et empirique de son impact est devenue prioritaire aussi bien dans les pays développés que dans les pays en voie de développement. En organisant cette table ro ...

3rd MENA Trade Workshop

20 March 2021

The 3rd MENA Trade Workshop on “Firms and Trade Policies” is organized by the World Trade Organization Chair at Tunis Business School partnership with the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University, University of Tunis, World Trade Org ...

1st MENA Trade Workshop

20 March 2021

This workshop is organized by the World Trade Organization Chair at Tunis Business School in partnership with the University of Tunis, World Trade Organization and the Trade Practice at the World Bank. It aims to bring together leading researchers from ar ...

Guedidi I., Baghdadi L., (2020), "CO2 emissions, environmental provisions and global value chains in MENA countries"

20 March 2021

The paper investigates the relationship between carbon emissions, environmental provisions in Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and Global Value Chains (GVCs) using a panel data gravity model for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region over the peri ...

Guedidi I., Baghdadi L., Martinez-Zarzoso I., "Trade facilitation and participation in global value chains"

20 March 2021

Guedidi I., Baghdadi L., Martinez-Zarzoso I., "Trade facilitation and participation in global value chains", in progress, presented on January 21st, 2021 at the Trade Policy Research Forum Yes Tunisia 2 ...

Baghdadi L., Medini A., "COVID19 shock in Tunisia: drivers of vulnerability vs. factors of resilience"

20 March 2021

Baghdadi L., Medini A., "COVID19 shock in Tunisia: drivers of vulnerability vs. factors of resilience", in progress presented on March 4th, 2021 at the Webinar series on Economic Resilience "Economic resilience is the new normal" organ ...

Tunisia’s experiences with industrial policy and export diversification

20 March 2021

What has been the role of industrial policy in Tunisia’s export diversification of the past 25 years? This column reports research evidence on the dynamics of diversification since 1995 for primary and resource-based products as well as manufactured produ ...

Tunisie-Afrique: 2,2 Milliards de potentiel d'exportation inexploité

16 February 2021

À l’occasion du webinaire organisé le jeudi 10 décembre qui portait sur les trajectoires possibles de développement de la Tunisie à l’horizon 2040, Leila Baghdadi, Professeure en Economie et titulaire de la Chaire de l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (O ...

Tunisia's export opportunities

20 January 2021

This presentation was presented by Prof Wilma Viviers and Prof Leila Baghdadi at the ISS webinar on 10 December 2020. The presentation was titled Tunisia's export opportunities Focus: Africa and EU 2020-12-10_Tunisia export opportunities_ISS event_FI ...

Book Launch World Trade Report 2020: Government Policies to Promote Innovation in the Digital Age

15 December 2020

On December 10th, “Book Launch World Trade Report 2020: Government Policies to Promote Innovation in the Digital Age” was grandly held online. This seminar was organized by the World Trade Organization(WTO), Chinese Academy of International Trade and Econ ...
