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Outreach activities

4th Edition Model World Trade Organization- TIMUN TBS University of Tunis

5 November 2024

Since 2016, the Tunisian International Model of the United Nations Association has organized the Model World Trade Organization, enriching its simulations with a focus on international trade and economics with our yearly MWTO event. This partnership has p ...

Model World Trade Organization- 5th Edition TIUMN TBS University of Tunis

5 November 2024

Since 2016, the Tunisian International Model of the United Nations Association organized the Model World Trade Organization, enriching its simulations with a focus on international trade and economics with our yearly MWTO event. This partnership has provi ...

MWTO TIMUN TBS 6th Edition

5 November 2024

Since 2016, the Tunisian International Model of the United Nations Association organized the Model World Trade Organization t TBS University of Tunis, enriching its simulations with a focus on international trade and economics with yearly MWTO event. This ...

MWTO TIMUN TBS 7th Edition

5 November 2024

Since 2016, the Tunisian International Model of the United Nations Association organized the Model World Trade Organization, enriching our simulations with a focus on international trade and economics with a yearly MWTO event. This simulation has provided ...

Results of WCP Virtual International Conference on International Trade and Investment (ICITI2022)

12 July 2023

The WTO Chairs in the African region organised a virtual International Conference on International Trade and Investment, with a special conference theme of ‘AfCFTA: Challenges and Opportunities’on the 7–8 September 2022. The organising and participating W ...

Seminars, Round Tables and Policy Panels

6 March 2023

DEFI Unit with the WTO Chair at ESSECT University of Tunis in Tunisia organize on a frequent basis seminars, panels and round tables on various economic topics where senior and junior researchers as well as policy makers present. Follow our facebook page: ...

Atelier de restitution du projet CORES: Mesurer la vulnérabilité des entreprises des pays en développement (PED) au choc de la C

6 March 2023

OBJECTIFS DE DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ODD 10: INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES ODD 8: TRAVAIL DÉCENT ET CROISSANCE ÉCONOMIQUE VOIR PLUS PARTAGER: Une équipe constituée de deux UMR IRD (Développement et sociétés et LEDA) et une institution partenaire tunisienne (l'ES ...

La Zone de Libre-Echange Continentale Africaine: Un tremplin pour la diversification des exportations en Tunisie

25 March 2021

L’Union européenne (UE) est depuis longtemps le premier partenaire commercial de la Tunisie. Le commerce bilatéral a fortement augmenté suite à l’accord d’association en 1995 entre la Tunisie et l'UE visant à créer une zone de libre-échange pour les ...

Les Chaines Globales de Valeur en Tunisie: Un Agenda de Recherche

20 March 2021

La question des chaines de valeur globales a pris une ampleur telle qu’une analyse scientifique et empirique de son impact est devenue prioritaire aussi bien dans les pays développés que dans les pays en voie de développement. En organisant cette table ro ...

3rd MENA Trade Workshop

20 March 2021

The 3rd MENA Trade Workshop on “Firms and Trade Policies” is organized by the World Trade Organization Chair at Tunis Business School partnership with the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University, University of Tunis, World Trade Org ...
