The course, taught to LLM students at Stocholm University, focused on the laws, principles and jurisprudence of World Trade Law. Students were taught the basic principles of multilateral trade and were encouraged to engage with the practice of internation ...
Trade and Gender Capacity Building Session to Researchers and Professors at IIFT, India
19 October 2021
A capacity building workshop on Trade and Gender to researchers and professors at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, India Session Trade Gender, IDB, Ecuador.pdf Download Yes Mexico 28 October 2021 Trade topics: Trade Negotiations, Gender and Trade, ...
Trade and Gender Capacity Building Session for Trade Negotiators in Ecuador
19 October 2021
Un taller de capacitación en negociaciones comerciales en materia de género para el Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca de la República de Ecuador (MPCEIP). Objetivo general. Fortalecer las capacidades técnicas y negociadoras ...
Managerial Economics
19 October 2021
Economic theory is the fundamental determinant of firms’ profitability and growth, and economic thinking should be an essential element in nearly every managerial decision. This course will examine the demand and cost determinants, and show how they apply ...
Principles of Microeconomics
19 October 2021
Industrial organization is essentially a branch of applied microeconomics which seeks to understand the causes and effects of various market structures on pricing and product choices. The course focuses on the theory of the firm and the industry in imperf ...
International Trade Policies and Systems
19 October 2021
This course will analyze trade policy tools in both perfect and imperfect competition. Trade restrictions are common in the world, so micro and macro-economics’ trade tools are used to study the effects of these restrictions on the different countries of ...
Direito Aduaneiro e Tributação do Comércio Internacional, oferecido pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Tributário (Customs Law and International Trade Taxation)
22 September 2021
O curso tem por objetivo reunir os especialistas mais abalizados da Receita Federal do Brasil, do Poder Judiciário Federal, do Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais, do mercado e da Academia para introduzir as ferramentas essenciais relativas ao dir ...
Comércio Internacional (International Trade)
22 September 2021
O Comércio Internacional passa por transformações cada vez mais complexas e que envolvem diversas áreas do conhecimento. O objetivo dessa disciplina será fornecer ao estudante informações sobre os principais temas relacionados ao comércio internacional, c ...
Commercial Diplomacy
20 September 2021
Overview. Students study the core principles of international trade system (ITS), and mechanisms of its development The aims of the course are: To teach students to understand the main problems and prospects of modern processes of regional integration and ...
20 September 2021
The module is devoted to the contemporary economic position of the European Union as both integrated entity and community of independent countries. Different aspects of EU common policy in various economic areas are analyzed. Principal attention is paid t ...