Jonas Barayandema
Dean, School of Business
Jonas Barayandema is an Associate Professor at the Department of Finance, College of Business and Economics, University of Rwanda. His research interests lie in the areas of investment analysis, supply chain finance, international trade finance and supply chain integration and organisational performance. He has good record of research publications in high-ranking peer-reviewed scientific journals. He currently serves as Dean of School of Business and is co-principal investigator of Sustainable Development Through Logistics Education in Rwanda Project (SUDLogER).
He has served as a Chair or member of numerous ad hoc committees, scientific research conference and academic workshop programme committees. He has chaired several panel discussions during international research conferences. He has a teaching experience of more than 20 years and a good record of supervised theses at Master’s and PhD programmes.
Contact details
Jonas Barayandema
University Avenue, 117 ButareTel: +250785121249