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Outreach activities


22 September 2021

O objetivo deste seminário é instar grandes especialistas, nacionais e internacionais, a oferecer um balanço sistemático das alterações globais, passado um ano desde o início da pandemia. A proposta é que este balanço sirva, por meio de um documento de tr ...


22 September 2021

Professor Thorstensen participated in this seminar on international trade in the discussion on Brazil's accession to the OECD.    More information may be found here.  upl_IBRAC_ Seja bem vindo.._.pdf Download Yes 28 October 2020 Trade topics: Brazil, ...

COVID-19 Impacts and Challenges: International Law Perspective

30 August 2021

Amid the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic situation, UPH Faculty of Law and UPH CITI put together a webinar with international law experts, including Michael Ewing-Chow from the National University of Singapore (NUS), Aidonna Jan Ayub from Khazanah Research In ...

Climate Change and Economics

27 August 2021

The Chair from Turkey was a panelist at the TUSIAD's General Assembly Meeting (Turkish Industry and Business Association) held on February 6th, 2020 on the topic "Climate Change and Economics". TÜSİAD Genel Kurul Toplantısı- 6 Şubat 2020.pd ...

Between macroeconomic shocks and vulnerabilities

26 August 2021

This was the fourth Webinar organized by the Econ4Tunisia initiative on Friday, May 1, 2020 from 8:30pm to 10:00pm. The debate on the Covid crisis brought together, around the presentation of the World Bank Transparency Report for the MENA region by Rabeh ...

Exploring Tunisia's Development Potential

26 August 2021

The study presented was on on realistic scenarios for Tunisia's economic and social development by 2040. Prepared by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the WTO Chairs Programs of the University of the Northwest in South Africa and the Unive ...

52nd Plenary Session of the African Economic Research Consortium on “Business Environment, Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Africa”

26 August 2021

The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) hosted its 52nd Plenary Session on “Business Environment, Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Africa” on the 29th of June 2020. The sessions were held virtually for researchers, academics, policy makers, ...

International Law Conversations: North American Trade in a New Geopolitical Context

22 July 2021

This discussion examined issues of COVID-19 supply chain disruptions, cybersecurity, worker wages, data privacy, dispute settlement, and other issues arising from the recent revisions to the North American Free Trade Agreement, known in the U.S. as the US ...

Guest Lecture at UNAM: COVID-19 and Its Impact on Women in International Trade: Can Free Trade Agreements Help Reboot Economy

30 June 2021

The Guest Lecture was titled: COVID-19 and Its Impact on Women in International Trade: Can Free Trade Agreements Help Reboot Economy. It mainly focussed on how the poandemic is put women in dveeloping countries at the forefront, and if existing trade agre ...

WTO AND U.S. TRADE LAW AND POLICY PROGRAM, at American University Washington College of Law

29 June 2021

Discussions on the linkages of Trade, Labor, and Gender with: Renata Amaral, Adjunct Professor, WCL Desiree LeClercq, Assistant Professor, Cornell University Debra Steger, Former Director of the Appellate Body Secretariat of the WTO Final Agenda_June18_20 ...
