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Outreach activities

Thirteen TRADE-DSM® training workshops

16 November 2018

A. Thirteen TRADE-DSM® training workshops Several training workshops for users of the TRADE-DSM® took place throughout the year. These workshops have provided an opportunity to publicize WTO links and expand and cement relationships with policymakers in S ...

Talking export opportunities at the 2018 Agbiz Congress

4 July 2018

Prof Wilma Viviers and Mr Martin Cameron were keynote speakers at the Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz) Congress which took place from 7-8 June 2018 in Port Elizabeth. Their topic was 'Developing strategies for export promotion using a Decision S ...

National conference: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) 2017 Annual Forum

21 November 2017

Title: The need for coordinated renewable energy, trade and industrial policy – avoiding unintended socio-economic consequences Author(s): Cameron, M., Kritzinger-Van Niekerk, L. & Viviers, W. Abstract: In recent times industrial policy has attracted ...

International conference: WTO Public Forum

21 November 2017

Title: Inclusive growth and wage inequality: The case of South African manufacturing exporters Author(s): Paper to be presented by Bezuidenhout, C., Matthee, M. & Rankin, N. Abstract: The experience of many countries around the world is that there is ...

National conference: South African Institute for Industrial Engineers (SAIIE) Conference

21 November 2017

Title: A simulation approach for reconciling customs and trade risk associated with cross-border freight movements Author(s): Hoffman, A., Grater, S., Schaap, A., Maree, J. & Bhero, E. Abstract: Southern Africa critically depends on increased exports ...

International conference: WTO Public Forum

21 November 2017

Title: Driving inclusive growth and enhancing intra-African trade through service sector development Author(s): Paper presented by Grater, S. & Viviers, W. Abstract: The development of services sectors in least-developed countries (LDCs) has the poten ...

International conference: 82nd International Atlantic Economic Conference

21 November 2017

Title: Investigating the value chain dimension of FDI in and outflows of the agro-industrial sector of South Africa Author(s): Kleynhans, E., Bezuidenhout, H. & Grater, S. Abstract: The integration of Africa into global trade and production networks, ...

International conference: Aid for Digital Trade: Needs and Responses, ICTSD

21 November 2017

Title: E-commerce and the digital economy: challenges and needs in Southern Africa Author(s): Paper presented by Viviers, W. on behalf of M-L Kuhn and A Parry Abstract: With more and more economic activities relying on information and communication techno ...

International conference: Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade DEGIT – XXI Conference

21 November 2017

Title: Investigating the value chain dimension of FDI in and outflows of the agro-industrial sector of South Africa Author(s): Kleynhans, E., Bezuidenhout, H. & Grater, S. Abstract: The integration of Africa into global trade and production networks, ...

International conference: Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade DEGIT – XXI Conference

21 November 2017

Title: Exporting wages and wage inequality in South Africa Author(s): Bezuidenhout, C., Matthee, M. & Rankin, N.A. Abstract: This paper investigates the relationship between exporting and the within-firm distribution of wages in South Africa. A key fi ...
