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Book Launch World Trade Report 2020: Government Policies to Promote Innovation in the Digital Age
15 December 2020
Panelist, Gender and Social Inclusion in Trade Agreements, at International Trade and Gender Symposium by ECLAC UN
26 November 2020
Moderated Roundtable Discussions on trade-policy agenda and gender, at International Trade and Gender Symposium, by ECLAC UN
26 November 2020
2020: The New International Trade Scenario, Presented at Tecnológico de Monterrey
26 November 2020
2020 Global Trade and Economic Governance Forum
24 November 2020
Presentation as External Advisor at European Parliament INTA Debate on impact of COVID on women in international trade
27 October 2020
‘Trade Advisory and NWU-TRADE WTO Chair User Group Webinar (15 October 2020)’
27 October 2020
GTW 2020: WTO dispute resolution: a holistic approach
28 September 2020