The International Trading System and Policies

Jordan - 19 November 2012

Course Description
This interdisciplinary and policy-oriented course intends to provide students with thorough knowledge on the international trading system and its development over time. Therefore, firstly, key international agreements and rules that regulate trade between countries is taught. Secondly, students acquire in-depth understanding of the motives and processes shaping the system constituted by these agreements and rules, as well as of how the system actually is working (incl. strengths and weaknesses). In addition international trade policies will be reviewed in this course.
Particular focus will be on the multilateral part of the trading system constituted by the World Trade Organization (WTO).
A brief introduction to international trade economics and law will be the starting point for the course. Regarding economics, this includes reasons for international trade, shaping forces of trade patterns and economic analysis of effects of trade liberalization. From a legal perspective, the fundamental structure of public international law and international economic law will be discussed including both material and procedural aspects.