Workshop on WTO dispute settlement takes place at São Paulo School of Economics

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
A three-day advanced workshop on dispute settlement took place from 14 to 16 September 2016 at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, São Paulo School of Economics, in Brazil, a member of the WTO Chairs Programme. The workshop was organized jointly by the Chairs Programme and the chair-holder, Professor Vera Thorstensen.
The workshop focused on market access issues, technical barriers to trade, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures. It is the second event of its kind organized by the WTO Chair in Brazil. An advanced workshop on dispute settlement previously took place in July 2015.
The workshop was attended by over 50 participants, who were from Brazilian universities, law firms, government, and private sector associations.
The workshop was led by Jorge Castro, from the Legal Affairs Division, and Daniel Ramos, from the Trade and Environment Division, who engaged in lively discussions with the participants. At the end of the workshop, many participants expressed the wish that a similar activity be organized next year, focusing possibly on different topics.