Victor Saco
Victor Saco, is a full time Associate Professor on International Economic Law at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), where he teaches and researches on trade and investment topics, and Director of the Master on International Economic Law of the PUCP. His acdademic pursuits include: Lawyer (PUCP), LLM in International and European Law (UC Louvain, Belgium), PhD candidate (World Trade Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland), attended the Hague Academy on International Law (PIL), Institut René Cassin, Summer Course, the WTI Summer Academy; and the International Law Seminar (UN, Geneva).
He is a visiting professor at the Universidad del Externado, Colombia; COIL professor at the Universidad Católica de San Pablo (Bolivia); and has also been a lecturer at University of Antwerp Belgium on TBT and SPS topics.
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Victor Saco
Av. Universitaria 1801Campus PUCP
San Miguel. Lima. Perú
Tel: +51.1.6252526