Raja Vinesh (Robin) SANNASSEE
Dr Sannassee R.V is a Professor of the Department of Finance at the University of Mauritius. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Reading, UK and currently lectures International Business both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In addition, Dr Sannassee regularly published in the areas of finance, economics and trade. He is also the Director of Programme for the MSc in Social Protection Financing, a joint initiative by the UoM and the ILO, funded by the IDRC. Finally, Dr Sannassee has also acted as a consultant for various international organizations which include the World Bank, the UNDP, UNCTAD, UNECA and the AfDB amongst others.
An Analysis of Eco-Tourism and Its Potential: Case Study of Small Island Developing States
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17 November 2016
Contact details
Raja Vinesh (Robin) SANNASSEE
c/o Faculty of Law & Management, University of Mauritius