Rosmery Hernández Pereira
Rosemery Hernandez Pereira holds a doctrate in International Strategy from University of Seville, Masters in Business Administration with mention on International Trade and Marketing, Degree in International Relations with emphasis in International Economy and a specialization in Development of Virtual Education.She is currently the Director of the School of International Relations of the National University (UNA) in Costa Rica. Previously, she served as Project Manager on Innovation, Education and Technology in Estrategia Siglo XXI, and also as director of the UNA Virtual, Program, at the National University (UNA) in Costa Rica. Rosemary has consulted for private companies on innovation issues with Internet and international business. She has also been an advisor for the Ministry of International Relations, Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica as well. She was also a director at the Center for Research and Business Development (CIDE, acronym in Spanish) of Latin American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT), and coordinated the Master Program of the School of International Relations of the National University. She has led national and international teams working on projects related to Innovation, competitiveness, e-learning. From 2003 until today, she has several academic publications in International Business, International Relations, International Trade, Virtual Education and Innovation.
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Rosmery Hernández Pereira