Vu Kim Ngan
Dr. VU Kim Ngan is currently a Lecturer in law at Faculty of Law, Foreign Trade University, Vietnam. She graduated with a Master of International Law and Economics from World Trade Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland; and a Ph.D in Law and Economics from Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Her areas of expertise include international trade law and WTO-related legal issues, legal aspects of globalization and regional integration, and international financial regulation. Her most recent research projects focus on trade and sustainable development issues, specifically labor, environment, and climate change, as well as the inclusion of non-trade provisions in FTAs towards sustainable development and its impacts on developing countries, including Vietnam. In addition to teaching and research experiences, she has provided consultancy services for several Vietnamese and foreign institutions. Dr Ngan is the Co-Chairholder of the WTO Chairs Programme at Foreign Trade University.
Contact details
Vu Kim Ngan