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Trade Topics



Air access liberalisation, marketing promotion and tourism trade

30 November 2018

The objective of the present study is two-fold. Firstly, to assess the impact of air access liberalization on tourism demand for Mauritius and secondly to analyze the dual impact of the interplay between air access liberalization and marketing promotion e ...

The Impact of Terrorism on Tourism Demand in Mauritius

30 November 2018

This study analyses the effects of terrorism on tourism demand in Mauritius for the period of 1983 to 2015. It uses a dynamic time series econometric approach namely an ARDL framework to investigate the hypothesized link. The results reveal that in the sh ...

Does FDI crowd-in or crowd-out domestic investment? Evidence from African Economies

30 November 2018

This paper investigates the impact of FDI on domestic capital accumulation in 20 African countries for the period 2001 to 2015.The research uses a Panel Vector Autoregressive framework which accounts ...

Productivity and Exchange Rate: A Meta-analysis

30 November 2018

highly relevant for both researchers and policy-makers: (1) Do data ...

Secondary data modeling in tourism and hospitality research

30 November 2018

This chapter introduces the reader to secondary data analysis. It starts by familiarizing the researcher with simple regression ... and hospitality research.pdf Download 2 July 2018 Trade topics: Other, ...

Trade in Services and Poverty Alleviation in Mauritius

30 November 2018

development and poverty have been very relatively rare. This research ...

Foreign Direct Investment and Tourism Development: A Theoretical and Empirical Review

27 July 2018

This book reviews the theoretical underpinning of the FDI–tourism nexus and the empirical work on the topic. It also identifies literature gaps and makes a number of recommendations for future research ...

Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Evidence From Mauritius

30 May 2018

The idea that international trade is an engine of economic growth dates from long back, and even now an overwhelming body of literature affirms a strong and positive link between trade liberalization and economic development. However, most of these studie ...


30 May 2018

In line with global frameworks, the EU unilaterally decided to reduce the price of its imported sugar, under the ACP-EU Agreement, by 36%. This decision eventually would affect the macro-economic situation of ACP countries. At a micro level the effects wo ...

Role of transport infrastructure in international tourism development: A gravity model approach

30 May 2018

We employ a gravity framework to evaluate the importance of transport infrastructure in determining the tourism attractiveness of destinations. The analysis is based on a panel data set of bilateral tourism flows among 28 countries over the decade 1990–20 ...
