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Trade Topics



Markets matter: the potential of intra-regional trade in ASEAN and its implications for Asian regionalism.

21 November 2017

This paper attempts to shed new light on the prospects of strengthening economic integration in South-East Asia by performing a quantitative assessment of the potential for extending intra-regional trade. It is evident that ASEAN's export space is ex ...

Breaking the ‘big data’ barrier when selecting agricultural export markets: An innovative approach

21 November 2017

A country’s comparative advantage is not only dependent on factor endowments. History, random events (wars, oil crises, sanctions, etc.) and past government policies are important factors shaping a country’s trade patterns. Such factors are recognised in ...

Enhancing industrial cluster formation through the realistic export opportunities of the TRADE-DSM

21 November 2017

This paper explores the natural synergies between industrial cluster formation and the identification of realistic export opportunities (REOs), using the TRADE-DSM for a resource-dependent region, the North West Province of South Africa. The structural pa ...

A simulation approach to reconciling customs and trade risk associated with cross-border freight movements

21 November 2017

The research approach combines the analysis of historical electronic transaction ...

South African exporters and the global crisis: intensive margin shock, extensive margin hangover

21 November 2017

This paper examines how changes at the intensive margin (established exporters exporting existing products to established markets) and the extensive margin (new exporters, products or markets) contribute to South Africa’s export growth and how these were ...

Leveraging the power of the digital economy to fast-track development in southern Africa

30 October 2017

Many of the technological advances that have gripped the world’s attention in recent years are nothing short of amazing- not only because of the novelty and convenience that they bring but because of the speed with which they are lapped up by a seemingly ...

SA-US trade relations – from chicken wars to Trump and beyond

30 October 2017

The United States of America is a longstanding and important trading partner of South Africa, not only because it absorbs large volumes of South Africa’s metal, mineral, manufactured and agricultural exports but also because it is a major source of foreig ...

UNCTAD’s Trade and Development Report 2016: More inclusive and sustained growth through structural transformation

30 October 2017

“In global economic terms, 2016 will be remembered as a year of living dangerously,” said UNCTAD’s Igor Paunovic in a webinar live-streamed from Geneva to the North-West University’s TRADE research entity on 25 ...

Harnessing gender for inclusive trade: How more gender-sensitive trade policies and outcomes can drive economic transformation i

30 October 2017

“Africa is so wealthy when it comes to land and natural resources, but it is also so underdeveloped, poor and needy. If women enjoyed the same access to resources as men, the continent would be able to produce 20-30% more than it currently does. This woul ...

US trade policy in the Trump era: What is in store for South Africa and the world?

30 October 2017

The TRADE (an acronym for Trade and Development) research focus area of North-West University (NWU together with the Tutwa consulting group, the agricultural business chamber of South Africa (Agbiz), the Johannesburg chamber ...
