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Trade Topics



Effects of COVID-19 on International Trade and Post-Recovery Strategies in Kenya

14 July 2021

Continental Free Trade Area. The research is particularly important ... and slow border clearance procedures. The research produced will inform ...

The effects of Nigeria's closed borders on informal trade with Benin

9 July 2021

Nigeria’s recent announcement confirming that it is closing its borders to prevent movement of all goods has been met with harsh criticism from neighbors and regional integration advocates. The Buhari administration has justified the decision as a tactic ...

The Impact of Free Trade Agreements on the Productivity and Exporting Capability of Omani Manufacturing Companies

24 June 2021

in literature, the findings of this study will provide a research based evidence ... researchers, as well as fostering collaboration between the Humanities Research ...

The role of trade facilitation and non- tariff barriers in the context of increasing regional integration: The case of Oman and the Indian Ocean

24 June 2021

the intra-trade performance gap. The overall objective of this research project ...

Response to the proposed Kenya – United States of America Free Trade Area Agreement: Negotiation Principles, Objectives, and Scope

21 June 2021

Kenya and the US, in February 2020 jointly announced their intent to initiate negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between themselves. Towards this end, the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development having consulted and heard ...

The digital trade era- Opportunities and challenges for developing countries: The case of Kenya

21 June 2021

E-commerce has grown rapidly in Kenya, supported by laws governing information and communications technology (ICT) services, e-commerce transactions, data protection and access to information. The government has established one-stop shops for the provisio ...


16 June 2021

Globalisation has become an unavoidable incidence with almost every country involved in some new form of economic integration arrangement. In Africa, the largest trade agreement, the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) was recently signed in ...

Identifying regional trade potential between selected countries in the African tripartite free trade area

16 June 2021

One of the most compelling arguments for regional trade and integration in Africa is that the African market is the most fragmented in the world, with only 16% of trade being within the continent. Furthermore, with 14 regional economic communities (RECs), ...

Trade creation and diversion effects in the tripartite region: A gravity approach

16 June 2021

The paper employed the augmented gravity model to determine the trade creation and trade diversion effects of economic integration. Results indicate that the income importing country was significant at the 1% level, while the exporting one was weakly sign ...

Liberalising Bangladesh's services trade: Is joining TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement) the way to go?

16 June 2021

Although currently limited, services trade holds great potential for Bangladesh, as services already make a major contribution to GDP and employment. Services represent an important alternative (in the longer term) or complement (in the shorter term) to r ...
