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Trade Topics



Digital developments and employment: Understanding trends in Africa

3 February 2025

research. It emphasizes that employment is central to inclusive growth, ...

O BRASIL ENTRE UNIÃO EUROPEIA E ESTADOS UNIDOS: uma leitura comparada das regulações da OMC e textos do Mercosul-UE e USCMA

22 September 2021

Em 28 de junho de 2019, o Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul) e a União Europeia (UE), concluíram, em Bruxelas, as negociações de um Acordo de Associação que prevê o estabelecimento de uma zona de livre comércio compreendendo os dois blocos. A concretização d ...

Free trade agreement between the EAEU and Vietnam and its place in Eurasian integration projects

20 September 2021

This presentation deals with the FTA between the Eurasian Economic Union and Vietnam and its place in Eurasian integration projects. Yes June 2020 Sherov Vietnam FTA кор на русском.pptx Download 4 June 2020 Trade topics: Eurasian Economic Union, Regional ...

Trade in goods of the EAEU countries with China and the effects of its possible liberalization

20 September 2021

This presentation deals with trade in goods of the Eurasion Economic Union countries with China and the effects of further liberalization. Yes Sherov Beijing 2019 Draft 4 short.ppt Download 13 September 2019 Trade topics: Eurasian Economic Union, China, R ...

Russian Trade Policy Achievements, Challenges and Prospects

20 September 2021

This book reveals the key trends in the modern Russian trade policy to provide a deeper understanding of the main challenges and barriers, possible paths and opportunities in its development.   An international team of authors investigates specific factor ...

Russia in Latin America: Beyond Economic Opportunities

20 September 2021

This chapter, was published in the book. " Forward to the Pase? New/Old Theatres of Russia’s International Projection ".    Despite the physical distance that separates Russia from Latin America and the Caribbean and weaker dynamics of trade and ...

Eurasian Economic Agreement trade agreements with Asian countries

20 September 2021

This presentation deals with the trade ties between the Eurasian Economic Union and Asia. Yes Шеров PPT 21 апреля 2020 ИЭ ЭФ СПбГУ на русском.pptx Download 21 April 2020 Trade topics: Regional Integration, Eurasian Economic Union, ...

Potential Effects of Trade Liberalization between the Eurasian Economic Union and Indonesia

20 September 2021

This presentation deals with the potential effects of trade liberalization between the Eurasian Economic Union and Indonesia.  Yes Шеров МГИМО 27 ноября2020 Индонезия и ЕАЭС ССТ очень кратко на русском.pptx Download 27 November 2020 Trade topics: Regional ...


20 September 2021

La Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf), en cours de mise en place, est le premier accord multilatéral régional au monde en termes de nombre de pays et d'habitants. En parallèle, les dynamiques du multilatéralisme en Afrique sont mul ...

Brasil a caminho da OCDE: explorando desafios

27 August 2021

No dia 29 maio de 2017, o Brasil formalizou pedido de abertura de processo de acessão à Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico – OCDE (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development- OECD). Quando o pedido de acessão for aceito ...
