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Trade Topics


Tata Kelola Penanganan COVID-19 di Indonesia: Kajian Awal

27 August 2021

Pandemi global COVID-19 telah melahirkan kegamangan tata kelola penanganan dihampir semua negara, terlepas dari apapun tingkat kemajuan ekonomi dan teknologi serta karakter politiknya. Sistem manajemen krisis standar kehilangan relevansi, memaksa pemerint ...

When global norms meet local politics: Localising transparency in extractive industries governance

27 August 2021

Processes of norm localisation play a crucial role in shaping the extent to which global governance norms are institutionalised at national and sub-national levels. This article explores the politics of norm localisation through an empirical investigation ...

Reordering the extractive political settlement: Resource nationalism, domestic ownership and transnational bargains in Indonesia

26 August 2021

Since the early 1990s, heavy state intervention in the extractives sector—or resource nationalism—has become more common in resource-rich lower income countries. This article considers what domestic and global conditions in the political economy of extrac ...

Regulating Sustainable Minerals in Electronics Supply Chains: Local Power Struggles and the 'Hidden Costs' of Global Tin Supply Chain Governance

26 August 2021

Voluntary supply chain regulation has proliferated in recent decades in response to concerns about the social and environmental impacts of global production and trade. Yet the capacity of supply chain regulation to influence production practices on the gr ...