Title: Drivers for inorganic growth methods through mergers and acquisitions in the freight and logistics industry of South Africa Author(s): De Villiers, C., Bezuidenhout, H. & Grater, S. Abstract: This study aims to determine the multidisciplinary a ...
International conference: UNU-WIDER and National Treasury Conference
21 November 2017
Title: Exporting, wages and wage inequality in South Africa Author(s): Bezuidenhout, C., Matthee, M. & Rankin, N.A. Abstract: This paper contributes to the understanding of the linkages between exporting, labour demand and wages in South Africa. It di ...
International conference: WTO Public Forum on Inclusive Trade
21 November 2017
Title: Service sector SMEs in LDCs and LICs Author(s): Grater, S., Parry A. & Viviers, W. Abstract: The development of services sectors in least-developed countries (LDCs) and low-income countries (LICs) has the potential to stimulate economic growth, ...
International conference: WTO Public Forum on Inclusive Trade
21 November 2017
Title: The impact of the recycling industry on poverty levels in South Africa’s informal economy: a case study of waste pickers in Pretoria Author(s): Blaauw, P.F., Pretorius, A.M., Schenck, C.J. & Viviers, W. Abstract: Although street waste pickers f ...
TRADE-DSM™ training workshops
21 November 2017
Several training workshops for users of the TRADE-DSM™ took place throughout the year. These were attended by a number of policymakers: 31 August 2016- 16 policymakers 1 September 2016- 16 policymakers 13 October 2016- 3 policymakers 27 October 2016- 3 po ...
WTO workshop on GVCs and TiVA
21 November 2017
The TRADE research entity was privileged to host a WTO workshop on Global Value Chains (GVCs) and Trade in Value Added (TiVA) for researchers, policymakers and PhD students from 30 May‒1 June 2017, as part for the WTO Chairs Programme outreach activities. ...
TRADE-WTO recognition of excellence awards
21 November 2017
Three separate WTO-sponsored awards as well as one TRADE award were presented at the TRADE-WTO awards function held at the NWU on 1 June 2017. The WTO awards were for the best Master's degree dissertation in International Trade, the best article on a ...
WTO-TRADE workshop
21 November 2017
On Thursday 22 September 2016, the TRADE research entity held a policy-orientated workshop in collaboration with the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) and under the auspices of the WTO Chairs Programme on the topic ‘Navigating globa ...