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Outreach activities

2nd MENA Trade Workshop

17 February 2018

During the last food crisis (2007/2008 and 2010/2011), global food prices spiked in unprecedented way and world food markets were disrupted in such a way that many countries, scholars, and development institutions questioned the reliance on trade and worl ...

3rd MENA Trade Workshop

17 February 2018

The 3rd MENA Trade Workshop on “Firms and Trade Policies” is organized by the World Trade Organization Chair at Tunis Business School partnership with the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University, University of Tunis, World Trade Org ...

1st MENA Trade Workshop

17 February 2018

This workshop is organized by the World Trade Organization Chair at Tunis Business School in partnership with the University of Tunis, World Trade Organization and the Trade Practice at the World Bank. It aims to bring together leading researchers from ar ...


6 February 2018

Nairobi Regional Dialogue Conference on WTO Accessions for the Greater Horn of Africa which was held from 28th to 30th August 2017 at the Intercontinental Hotel.organized by the University of Nairobi WTO Chairs Program in collaboration with the Ministry o ...

National conference: South African Institute for Industrial Engineers (SAIIE) Conference

21 November 2017

Title: A simulation approach for reconciling customs and trade risk associated with cross-border freight movements Author(s): Hoffman, A., Grater, S., Schaap, A., Maree, J. & Bhero, E. Abstract: Southern Africa critically depends on increased exports ...

National conference: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) 2017 Annual Forum

21 November 2017

Title: The need for coordinated renewable energy, trade and industrial policy – avoiding unintended socio-economic consequences Author(s): Cameron, M., Kritzinger-Van Niekerk, L. & Viviers, W. Abstract: In recent times industrial policy has attracted ...

International conference: WTO Public Forum

21 November 2017

Title: Inclusive growth and wage inequality: The case of South African manufacturing exporters Author(s): Paper to be presented by Bezuidenhout, C., Matthee, M. & Rankin, N. Abstract: The experience of many countries around the world is that there is ...

International conference: WTO Public Forum

21 November 2017

Title: Driving inclusive growth and enhancing intra-African trade through service sector development Author(s): Paper presented by Grater, S. & Viviers, W. Abstract: The development of services sectors in least-developed countries (LDCs) has the poten ...

International conference: 82nd International Atlantic Economic Conference

21 November 2017

Title: Investigating the value chain dimension of FDI in and outflows of the agro-industrial sector of South Africa Author(s): Kleynhans, E., Bezuidenhout, H. & Grater, S. Abstract: The integration of Africa into global trade and production networks, ...

International conference: Aid for Digital Trade: Needs and Responses, ICTSD

21 November 2017

Title: E-commerce and the digital economy: challenges and needs in Southern Africa Author(s): Paper presented by Viviers, W. on behalf of M-L Kuhn and A Parry Abstract: With more and more economic activities relying on information and communication techno ...
