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Outreach activities

Presented paper on "Migration, Diasporas and SDGs" UN CDP/UNAM LNOB Expert Group Meeting, Mexico City

8 April 2019

Migration and the growth of global diasporas are key contemporary trends which impact on the pledge to “leave no one behind” in the 2030 Agenda. The developmental potential of migration is captured in four Goals and five Targets in the Sustainable Develop ...

WTO Chairs Programme Annual Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina

8 April 2019

The WTO Chairs Programme aims to support and promote trade-related academic activities by universities and research institutions in developing and least-developed countries. The 2017 WTO Chairs Programme (WCP) Annual Conference was held in Buenos Aires, A ...

Presenter on UNTV "Migration, Diasporas and LDCs in the SDGs" United Nations, New York

8 April 2019

Committee for Development Policy Members, Professors Elson, Klasen, and Nurse presented the CDP perspectives on how LDCs and other developing countries can expand their productive capacity for achieving the SDGs during the panel discussion held on 16 Marc ...

Panel presenter of paper entitled "Climate Action: Prospects for the Tourism and Travel Industry in the Caribbean"

8 April 2019

Annual SALISES Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica. This conference examined the Caribbean’s prospects for 2030 against the background of the aspirations of the peoples of the region articulated during the 1947 conference and the global goals for sustainable ...

Interview with UNESCO Commission on Fair Trade for Culture

8 April 2019

Interview with Dr. Keith Nurse, World Trade Organization Chair and Senior Fellow SALISES, University of the West Indies, Barbados This video is part of the initiative "Fair Trade for Culture" of the German Commission for UNESCO. https://www.yout ...

10th Plenary and High-Level Meeting of the OECD Initiative for Policy Dialogue on Global Value Chains, Production Transformation

8 April 2019

The PTPR of Colombia started in November 2017. The Review will be launched in Colombia in December 2018. The PTPRs are carried out in the framework of the OECD Initiative for Policy Dialogue on Global Value Chains (GVCs), Production Transformation and Dev ...

Peer Learning Group Meeting of the PTPR of Colombia, hosted by the OECD, Paris

8 April 2019

The Peer-Learning Group Meeting is organised in the framework of the Production Transformation Policy Review of Colombia. The objectives of this PTPR-PLG meeting is to enable targeted peer-dialogue on key issues as they emerge during the PTPR process and ...

15th WIPO – WTO Colloquium for Teachers of Intellectual Property, presented on "The Creative Economy and Copyright-Industries"

8 April 2019

Since 2004, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have jointly organized an annual two-week colloquiums for teachers of intellectual property from developing countries and countries with economies in tr ...

Launch of a Research Group: International Trade & Investment Law (Law Schools Global League)

29 March 2019

The current times are challenging for existing trade and investment rules. Hence, this field of study presents many interesting topical avenues for legal research, and now arguably more so than ever before. Law Schools Global League has launched a new wor ...

Paper Presentation: Appellate Body Held Hostage: Is Judicial Activism at Fair Trial?

22 February 2019

I presented this most recent article at the LSGL Academic Conference in the University of Stockholm, Stockholm. In my presentation, I argued why we need to rescue and strengthen the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and the overall multilateral trading sys ...
