Monday, September 11, 2023
On 11 September, 2023, the International Conference on “Uzbekistan’s Pathway to the WTO Accession” was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy and organized in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Uzbekistan. It facilitated sharing of knowledge and best practices, along with networking among academia, government, and industry representatives, all with a common vision of enhancing international trade cooperation.
The Meeting was attended by the representatives of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the World Trade Organization, the European Union, ministries of the Republic of Uzbekistan, honourable Ambassadors of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the People's Republic of China, France, India, Japan, and other embassies in the Republic of Uzbekistan, including representatives of other foreign and local organizations and institutions as well as professors and students of UWED. Notable speakers and panelists, both from within Uzbekistan and the global arena, shared their insights and expertise during the conference.
During the discussions and presentations, a number of key topics were discussed in the context of the country’s accession to the WTO. Thus, experts analyzed the trade-related regulatory reforms that Uzbekistan must undertake to bring them into line with WTO standards and practices. The potential economic benefits, market access and trade opportunities that Uzbekistan will have access to through joining this organization are considered. Discussions also focused on the legal and institutional frameworks that need to be developed and improved to ensure a smooth transition to the WTO. Experts paid particular attention to the potential impact on domestic industries and industries, identifying areas of growth and potential problems.
In conclusion, the conference participants emphasized the importance of international cooperation and partnership in assisting Uzbekistan on its path to joining the WTO.