Trade and Gender Capacity Building Session to Researchers and Professors at IIFT, India
19 October 2021
A capacity building workshop on Trade and Gender to researchers and professors at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, India Session Trade Gender, IDB, Ecuador.pdf Download Yes Mexico 28 October 2021 Trade topics: Trade Negotiations, Gender and Trade, ...
Trade and Gender Capacity Building Session for Trade Negotiators in Ecuador
19 October 2021
Un taller de capacitación en negociaciones comerciales en materia de género para el Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca de la República de Ecuador (MPCEIP). Objetivo general. Fortalecer las capacidades técnicas y negociadoras ...
World Trade Law
31 May 2020
The course focused on the laws, principles, functioning and jurisprudence of International Trade Law. It discussed the basic principles of multilateral and bilateral trade, and gave students the opportunity to engage with the practice of international tra ...
World Trade Law Course
19 June 2019
This course focussed on the laws, principles, functioning and jurisprudence of World Trade Law. Students looked at the principles of multilateral and bilateral trade and engaged with the practice of international trade law with the help of current jurispr ...