Roberta Piermartini
Chief, Trade Cost Analysis
Roberta Piermartini is Chief of Trade Costs Analysis at the WTO. Since 2019, she manages the WTO Chairs Programme. Her research focuses on trade theory and trade policy analysis. Her papers have been published in The American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Journal of International Economics, The World Economy, among other and various books. She is one of the lead authors and coordinator of World Trade Report (WTR) and WTO-WB publications on trade and poverty. She is author of "A Practical Guide to Trade Policy Modelling" and "An Advanced Guide to trade Policy Modelling." She has served the WTO Dispute Settlement in several Panel and Arbitration cases. Her work has been covered by The Economist and Le Monde. Prior to joining the WTO in 2000, she was lecturer in economics and statistics at the University of Southampton and research fellow in the research division of Confindustria. She also has been teaching at the University of Geneva and LUISS. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Southampton.
Contact details
Roberta Piermartini
Rue de Lausanne 154CH-1211 Geneva 21
Tel: +41(0) 22 739 5492