Presentation on “Ally-Shoring Critical Minerals for a Green Transition” at the WTO Public Forum on Ally-Shoring Critical Minerals for a Green Transition, Geneva, Switzerland

Mexico - 14 September 2023

Governments worldwide are taking mounting efforts to transition to a greener economy. This transition is leading to a global race for access to critical minerals based on defensive and proactive strategies and a wide array of policy tools. As these strategies are adopted either unilaterally or between allies, they are increasingly disrupting rather than securing access to critical minerals and consequently are creating growing tensions between resource-rich and resource-seeking economies. Even between allies, their strategies in pursuit of diversified and reliable critical mineral supply chains are inherently competitive and may generate friction. This session brought together leading commentators (including Dr. Amrita Bahri, Co-Chair Professor, WTO Chairs Programme (Mexico)) from four major jurisdictions – the US, the EU, China and Mexico – to discuss the latest developments of critical mineral strategies. It explored: How may such strategies cause confrontations and disruptions regionally and globally? What role can the WTO play in addressing these challenges at the multilateral level?