WTO TBT National Workshop on The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
Kenya - 2 May 2019
Trade topics: International Trading System, NTMs, Standards
The WTO TBT National Workshop on The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade discussed:
- The WTO and Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs)
- The key disciplines of the WTO TBT Agreement (WTO)
- Notifications, Enquiry points, raising "STCs" in the TBT Committee, using online tools to engage stakeholders (e.g. ePing). How does Kenya decide when to notify, and when to engage in the TBT Committee? What is the role of the National Notification Authority and Enquiry Point? (WTO/KEBS)
- The work of the TBT Committee: How to raise "STCs", how to decide which STCs to raise
- How to effectively engage with Members at the WTO on TBT matters: What are Kenya’s priorities for the work of the Committee?
- How does the domestic Coordination Mechanism work in Kenya? (WTO/KEBS)
- Trade and regulation: issues and trends in Kenya
- What are the key challenges for Kenya in the area of regulations and standards at County level? (Trade officials)
The workshop also held Discussions on the draft National Quality Infrastructure Policy (KEBS/WTO) and on the Standards Act (KEBS/WTO)