zhangyilei@hotmail.com's picture

Lei Zhang

Prof.Dr. and dean

WTO Chair, Deans of Trade Negotiation School and WTO Chair Institute-China at Shanghai University of International Business and Economics(SUIBE), director of Shanghai Center for Global Trade and Economics Governance. He is one of the doctoral supervisors at University of International Business and Economics (Beijing) .He got his doctoral degree in industrial organization and obtained a master’s degree (LLM IN IP) from the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO), International Labour Organization(ILO) and University of Turin,Italy. He has been to WTO Secretariat, Harvard University, University of Lausanne, Switzerland and Georgetown University as visiting professors. He also serves as several UN agencies academic focal points such as coordinator of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Virtual Institute(UNCTAD VI) and the focal point of the UNESCAP/ ARTNeT. He is one of the Global Value Chain Experts selected by the Ministry of Commerce,China .
A WIPO Arbitrator,Professor Zhang's research field is the multi-disciplinary(legal and economic) approach to the WTO and the Intellectual Property.
He is married and lives in Shanghai.

Contact details

Lei Zhang

418 Multi-function Building
Trade Negotiation School,WTO Chair Institute China
620 Gubei Road, Shanghai.200336
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics(SUIBE)
Email: wtochair@163.com

Tel: 86 21 52067252