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Vera Thorstensen

Professor, Center for Global Trade and Investment Studies (CGTI/FGV)

Master's and PhD in Finance and Economics, EAESP- Fundação Getúlio Vargas; completed post-doctoral programmes, Harvard, US and Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels. Formerly: Visiting Scholar, Interamerican Development Bank, Washington DC; 1995- 2010, Economic Adviser, Mission of Brazil to the WTO; seven years as Chair, WTO Committee of Rules of Origin; Invited Professor, Sciences-Po, IELPO-Barcelona and IEE-Lisbon, lecturing on trade negotiations. Currently, Professor, School of Economics, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Head of the Center on Global Trade and Investments, Holder WTO Chair in Brazil, President Brazilian Committee on TBT.

Contact details

Vera Thorstensen

Rua Itapeva, 286 - 10º andar
Bela Vista - São Paulo/SP
CEP 01332-000

Tel: +55 11 37993344