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Trade Topics



COVID-19 Vaccination Gender Gap in India. Can Trade Agreements Help?, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

8 April 2024

Health pandemics affect women and men differently, and they can make the existing gender inequalities much worse. COVID-19 is one such pandemic, which can have substantial gender implications both during and in the post-pandemic world. Its economic and so ...

Finding Feet on Trade Agreements: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs Amidst a Pandemic

5 April 2024

The Covid-19 pandemic has deepened the existing gender inequalities. In particular, it has dealt a significant blow to women entrepreneurs, as it has magnified the pre-pandemic disadvantages women have faced in the economic, social, financial and regulato ...

Is Covid 19 driving up consumer prices in tunisia: evidence from the pass through of the Covid 19 shock

6 March 2023

Author(s): Baghdadi Leila, Martinez-Zarzoso I., Medini A Yes Tunisia 1653606624_186_349340_pb75_final.pdf Author(s): Baghdadi Leila, Martinez-Zarzoso I., Medini A Download 1 May 2022 Trade topics: Trade Policy, COVID 19, ...

An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 on Trade: Evidence from a Small island economy

16 April 2022

This study investigates the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and related containment measures on the trade system of Mauritius for the period January 2020 to June 2021. As the pandemic spreads across the globe due to high interconnectedness acro ...

Impact of COVIDE19 on Tunisian Imports, Economic Research Forum Working Paper

19 February 2022

COVID-19 pandemic caused significant disruption of trade flows between countries, revealing the vulnerability of global value chains. This unexpected event sparked a public debate on devising new policies to increase the resilience of value chains. This s ...

CALL FOR PAPERS WCP Virtual International Conference MSMEs and COVID-19: Impacts, Challenges and Opportunities.

2 September 2021

at specifically convening research and discussion focussing on the impacts ... and sectors. The conference invites conceptual, empirical research presentations, ... completed research papers and/or work in progress. Submissions ...

A Double-Edged Sword: Covid-19 and Water Remunicipalisation Jakarta

27 August 2021

Jakarta has emerged as the epicentre of the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia. While handwashing has been promoted as the most effective preventive measure, Jakarta’s unequal water governance has made it difficult for the urban poor to access adequate water ...

New Normal Perubahan Sosial Ekonomi dan Politik Akibat COVID-19

27 August 2021

New Normal atau Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru menjadi mantra penting yang dipakai oleh WHO dan Pemerintah di berbagai negara untuk berdamai dengan Covid-19. Sejak merebak Desember 2019, pandemi ini belum menunjukkan ujung akhir, sementara upaya untuk menjinakka ...

Tata Kelola Penanganan COVID-19 di Indonesia: Kajian Awal

27 August 2021

Pandemi global COVID-19 telah melahirkan kegamangan tata kelola penanganan dihampir semua negara, terlepas dari apapun tingkat kemajuan ekonomi dan teknologi serta karakter politiknya. Sistem manajemen krisis standar kehilangan relevansi, memaksa pemerint ...

Los sistemas Generalizados de Preferencias como estrategia de reinserción comercial (Generalized Systems of Preference as strategies to trade insertion)

27 August 2021

La llegada del COVID-19 a finales del año 2019, sumado a un mundo multipolar, una Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) en plena crisis, la paralización –en parte– de las negociaciones económicas internacionales de nuevos acuerdos comerciales, bloques r ...
