Our Focus
The WTO Chairs Programme:
- Aims to enhance knowledge and understanding of the multilateral trading system among academics, policy makers and civil society in developing countries and least developed countries by stimulating teaching, research, and public debate on international trade at universities and research institutions.
- Fosters research and capacity building of relevance to government policy makers and other stakeholders and adapted to circumstances on the ground.
- Provides financial and substantive support to the Chairs over a four-year programme cycle as part of the WTO`s technical cooperation mandate of enhancing human and institutional capacities of beneficiary Members to take full advantage of the rules-based multilateral trading system.
- Comprises a total of 40 institutions with a cohort of 16 Chairs participating in the current four-year cycle, 5 Chairs joining the programme in 2025, and 19 Chairs funded in previous programme cycles actively engaged in the network.