International trade has been a key area in the trade policy of major countries for decades. The WTO Agreements have represented an enlargement of issues under the multilateral rules to include trade in services, intellectual property, specific rules for subsidies, safeguards, antidumping, agriculture, technical barriers to trade, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, custom valuation, rules of origin amongst others. Recently, the WTO Members have also adopted the Trade Facilitation Agreement, which is a landmark in providing intelligent custom services and information to exporters and importers. In addition to all this changes, the WTO Agreements have also established an enhanced Dispute Settlement mechanism, which is relevant to settle dispute between WTO Members.The WTO has also become a champion in the defence of a freer international trade, advocating for including gender issues and small- and medium-sized enterprises into international trade concerns. This course aims at addressing the landscape of multilateral trade rules, especially directed to Portuguese speaking audience, who represents over 200 million native speakers across the world. Therefore, this course was made to disseminate the knowledge on the Multilateral Trading System for the Portuguese speaking audience.'s picture Brazilv/ Vera Thorstensen

Tel: +55 11 37993344

Professor, Center for Global Trade and Investment Studies (CGTI/FGV)


Member for
6 years 8 months

Master's and PhD in Finance and Economics, EAESP- Fundação Getúlio Vargas; completed post-doctoral programmes, Harvard, US and Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels. Formerly: Visiting Scholar, Interamerican Development Bank, Washington DC; 1995- 2010, Economic Adviser, Mission of Brazil to the WTO; seven years as Chair, WTO Committee of Rules of Origin; Invited Professor, Sciences-Po, IELPO-Barcelona and IEE-Lisbon, lecturing on trade negotiations. Currently, Professor, School of Economics, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Head of the Center on Global Trade and Investments, Holder WTO Chair in Brazil, President Brazilian Committee on TBT.

Rua Itapeva, 286 - 10º andar
Bela Vista - São Paulo/SP
CEP 01332-000
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This is an online course on international trade for Portuguese speakers. In this course you will be able to learn the main features of the WTO Agreements. It is composed of 13 classes covering the main regulatory and historical aspects of the WTO and the creation and the consolidation of the Multilateral Trading System. It also introduces some of the challenges faced by the international community in implementing WTO rules and in enhancing cooperation between international financial institutions and the WTO. Therefore, the course covers main rules for trading in goods and in services; intellectual property; environment; trade defence; regional trade agreements; non-tariff barriers to trade; and dispute settlement rules. It is a general overview for Portuguese speakers who are willing to continue their studies and researches in the area of international trade.

10-hours Brazil Bachelor Portuguese